Homily: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time [A]

Neodecaussade's Weblog

Why do we insist on interpreting the parables and the stories so that they confirm existing conditions, endorse dominant cultural values, rather than convincing us of injustice, sin, evil, or the need to be converted to the cross and community? …God stands behind Jesus and his disciples with power, but not the power of money, arrogance, dishonesty, hatred, violence, and cold-blooded heartlessness.
Megan McKenna (Send My Roots Rain: A Spirituality of Justice and Mercy) p. 36

The readings for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time can be found here.

All of the parables in Matthew must be viewed through the filter of the burgeoning Christian community and the synagogue that is expelling them.

This parable is no different. The message of Jesus was given to all, but fear demotivates the Jewish leaders. Guarding their tradition and fear of change led the synagogue leaders to hide the light of…

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Posted on November 16, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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